Energy saving practices in the face of increasing energy costs

As we approach the last quarter of 2022, with how energy prices have been going throughout the year, it might be time to take a closer look at our energy use, if we haven’t already. While the country is still dealing with the effects of summer, scorching weather and droughts, we must not forget that winter is right around the corner. Thinking ahead of how you’ll be able to save energy and lower your monthly expenses at the end of summer, gives you plenty of time to make the necessary changes while you still have time.
For those that want to implement some of the most effective energy saving practices that will help your budget and the planet as well, before winter reaches us, we made a list of efficiency tips that are as easy to implement as turning off the light. Some may not be practical for renters as the expense would better be covered by the landlords, while others can be applied by anyone. So depending on your housing situation, take note of the following energy saving practices in the face of the increasing energy costs that are sweeping across the nation. You might spend some money as you implement these, but end up saving money in the long run and also decrease the amount of energy you consume. Take care of your budget and the environment at the same time.
Unplug Unused Appliances
This is by far the most overlooked energy saving practice, while also being the most cost effective to implement. It’s as easy as unplugging your electronics. While it may be customary to many people to unplug their phone, laptop or tablet charger, many other devices are left plugged in even with prolonged periods of inactivity.
Did you know that electronic devices drain power nonstop even when they are not in use? In fact, about 10% of a household’s energy consumption comes from devices that are left plugged in while they aren’t being used. Think about your televisions, space heaters, wall mounted AC, computers, microwaves, air purifiers and everything else that runs on electricity that is not used all the time. If you think about it, only a few appliances need to always be plugged in.
The most important one is the refrigerator, but some households may also have a gas or electric central heating system, but outside of those, all your gadgets can be unplugged when not in use. So why don’t we unplug them? Because it’s comfortable? If it’s uncomfortable for you to physically unplug all those devices when they are not in use, go the most expensive route and change all your power strips with those that have an on/off switch on them. Like that, all you’ll need to do is turn the switch off when you’re not using the device. If you want to save money, just unplug the devices.
Switch to LED light bulbs
This may be the one you heard about the most, but it works wonders. Still, many people get stuck on the price difference between an LED light bulb and an incandescent light bulb. However, while an LED light bulb may cost five times more than an incandescent light bulb, the difference in energy usage is between 70% and 90% less for the LED light bulbs. So, when you draw the line, a $5 LED light bulb will not only use as far as 90% less energy, but it will also last a lot more time.
For renters, this is a great way to lower your energy bill and if you move out of the apartment before the LED light bulb burns out, take it with you. The added benefit of LED light bulbs is that they are less likely to explode whenever there’s a power outage or surge, making them less likely to need replacing.
Weatherproof your House
Whether you live in a warm or cold climate, the amount of energy you use to cool or warm up your home is directly related to how well insulated the property is. It doesn’t matter if you live in Alaska or Florida, if your home isn’t well insulated, all that warm or cool air will end up escaping your home and warming or cooling the outside of your home as well. As a result you’ll use more energy and spend more money heating or cooling your home. However, an adequate insulated property retains the heat or chill inside the property, lowering energy usage and cost.
For instance, if you live in a cool climate, it might not be a bad idea to insulate your home to retain heat, but also cool air because, while brinck constructions are great to retain heat, they are a nightmare during a heatwave, as the UK experienced over the last month. The unpredictability of weather patterns shows us that it’s best to be prepared for both. Similarly, Texas saw over the last winter how a home that retains cool air isn’t suitable for harsh winter storms, leading to power outages because the grid couldn’t handle the amount of usage communities required to keep warm.
The best way to go is to ensure that there are no leaks or cracks where air can escape from. After that, make sure that the materials used for insulation keep the inside temperature as best as possible. For this, hempcrete can be used for some great results. Storm resistant windows with their triple-paned glass offer great insulation as well, but depending on how much you want to invest, do the math and see which of these would help you lower your energy bill the most.
Simple Daily Behavior
While turning up the heat in winter and prancing around in your t-shirt, and turning up the AC in the summer and being comfortable with long-sleeves may be a way to go, if you want to save energy and reduce your cost of living, keeping a jumper on in winter and wearing a tank-top in the summer can go a long way. Yes, we all want to be chill in the summer and warm in the winter, but the temperature differences don’t need to be that high.
For instance, in the summer, it’s actually unhealthy to have a huge indoor to outdoor temperature difference. This can lead to heat stroke when you go outside after spending a lot of time in a low temperature setting AC. So when temperatures outside reach 100° Fahrenheit, try to keep your AC setting at 77° Fahrenheit instead of 64° F or 68° F. Not only will your health appreciate it, it will actually be easier for the AC to lower the indoor temperature and use a lot less energy to do so. Use fans, ceiling mounted or simple ones, to help the air circulate and remain cool longer.
During the cool winter months, instead of cranking up the heating to 73° Fahrenheit, try a jumper and a cup of hot chocolate or mulled wine. The effect won’t only impact your energy bill, but also your mood. Get your favorite book and curl up in a blanket on the sofa. Afterall, that’s what the Scandinavians do and Hygge helps them through long, dark and humid winters where the sun barely comes out a few hours a day.
When you look into energy saving practices, you can’t help but think of how prices will continue to go. The cost of living is growing by the day and the price of energy is directly affected by the cost of gas and coal. As long as our energy sources are relying on these incredibly variable, limited and polluting resources, we won’t be able to live comfortably. Furthermore, heat waves will grow in intensity and last longer, while winter storms will be more violent.
With the climate changing all around us and the cost of energy growing every day, investing in renewable energy is a viable alternative not only for your wallet, but your life as well, because storms are likely to grow in intensity, along with droughts, heat waves, floods and rising sea levels if we don’t implement the necessary changes. Still, if installing solar roof technology is outside your budget for now, these energy saving practices will help you out for the time being.